To give prudence to the naive, to the youth knowledge and discretion (Proverbs 1:4)

If you conduct a search of the Scriptures for the word teenager, you will find ZERO occurrences in the entire Bible. Apparently, God chose not to label those from age 13 to 19 as teenagers. In our culture, the word is sometimes used as a term of derision. Not so with God.

It is the desire of every God-loving parent to pass along any and all information that will help their child make wise decisions and enjoy success in their every endeavor. That's God's desire too. He says so in the Book of Proverbs, where a major purpose of the book is stated in 1:4: To give prudence to the naive, to the youth knowledge and discretion. In addition, the phrase "my son" appears 23 times in Proverbs. God is deeply invested in seeing the children of Christian parents grow to full maturity as believers who know and trust Him.

The difficulty comes in when a young boy or girl is going from being dependent upon parental provision and protection to becoming an independent being. That transition is not an easy one. There's ample opportunity to err, to make grossly unwise decisions, or to choose dangerous paths to follow. Of course, adults have the same opportunities - but they are typically wiser, having already navigated the transition and lived to tell about it. The concern a parent has for their teenage adolescent is legitimate, knowing how unfamiliar the typical teen is with the consequences of wrong choices.

Apex Biblical Christian Counseling is committed to helping parents improve their parenting skills, while helping them prepare their children (of any age) for the challenges of growth from childhood to adulthood. We work with children and young adults in foreseeing consequences and acquainting themselves with wise and responsible decision-making. Some kids learn the easy way - some the hard way - and some never learn. To maximize the likelihood of a child learning the easy way, it pays dividends to model parenting techniques after God's. The Scriptures are not silent on the subject.

So if you are struggling with a teenage child, if you're feeling frustrated and defeated in your efforts, if you find yourself arguing constantly with your teen to no avail, if you are tired of punishing defiance and disobedience, if you are wondering why you had kids in the first place - there is a Bible-based, Christ-centered path forward.

Call Apex Biblical Christian Counseling today to set an appointment that can be the first step to a bright future, with God as your Help!
Call our office at (919) 387-8633.